Our SDFW division is responsible for the regulation of safety on 20 licensed nuclear sites and for other non-site specific work in relation to UK policy and strategy for safely dealing with nuclear liabilities.
Reducing the hazard and risk on the Sellafield site is both a national decommissioning priority and one of our top regulatory priorities. The site processes and stores more radioactive material per square metre than any other site in Europe. There are over 1000 nuclear facilities and it ranks as one of the most complex and hazardous nuclear sites in the world. Some of the high-hazard facilities are decades old and are being steadily remediated. The focus of the licensee is now very much on decommissioning and safe management and storage of higher activity waste and spent fuel, pending a deep geological disposal facility becoming available.
As well as regulating the Sellafield site, the SDFW division also regulates safety on another 19 licensed sites, most of which are undertaking decommissioning activities and handling radioactive waste. The division also leads in providing policy and strategic advice to government and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) on aspects of the regulatory framework for nuclear liabilities.
In this section
Information on our regulation of Sellafield. Sellafield is a large and complex site and one of Europe's largest industrial complexes, managing more radioactive waste in one place than any other nuclear facility in the world.