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About ONR

We are the UK’s independent nuclear regulator, with the legal authority to regulate nuclear safety, civil nuclear security and safeguards, and conventional health and safety at the 36 licensed nuclear sites in Great Britain (GB). This includes the existing fleet of operating reactors, fuel cycle facilities, waste management and decommissioning sites, as well as other licensed and, in part, authorised defence sites, together with the regulation of the design and construction of new nuclear facilities. We also regulate the transport of civil nuclear and radioactive materials by road, rail and inland waterways.

Our nuclear security regulation covers approval of security arrangements within the civil nuclear industry and provides regulatory oversight for the security of transportation of civil nuclear materials and the management of effective arrangements for sensitive nuclear information. Our safeguards regulation serves to ensure that civil nuclear material remains accounted for and controlled to ensure the UK maintains its safeguards obligations as set out under international treaties and agreements.