Designer (requesting party): General Nuclear System Ltd
Current position: Assessment of reactor design complete. Design Acceptance Confirmation issued in February 2022.
Timeline: February 2022 - Design acceptance granted February 2020 - Step 4 November 2018 - Step 3 November 2017 - Step 2 January 2017 - Step 1 (preparatory step)
Progress reports
At the end of each step of the assessment, the regulators publish detailed technical reports and a summary report.
On this page you will find detail of the summary and supporting assessment reports published in relation to the UK HPR1000. These reports are internal ONR reports that are published on this website in the interests of openness and transparency.
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Regulatory observations and resolution plans
A regulatory observation is a potential regulatory shortfall identified by the regulators. It requires action and new work for it to be addressed.
Find out more about regulatory observations and resolution plans.
Design acceptance - DAC/SoDA
In February 2022, ONR, and the Environment Agency granted Design Acceptance Confirmation for the UK HPR1000 reactor design.
On completion of the GDA, the regulators issued reports on their findings along with the supporting technical assessment reports.
The regulators issued the following:
ONR - Design Acceptance Confirmation (DAC)
Environment Agency - Statement of Design Acceptability (SoDA)