ONR has produced its first, standalone, fully costed Annual Plan setting out our priority objectives and key activities to deliver them, key performance indicators and budget for 2013-14. The Plan demonstrates our ways of full programme working across ONR and embedding of the organisations new operating model.
The production of the Plan not only fulfils the requirements of the Framework Document in place with HSE, but is a significant milestone for shadow running as a new statutory regulator in the nuclear sector. It has given Ministers early confidence that ONR can credibly address the necessary legal requirements and demonstrate that ONR has a rigorous plan in place for 2013-14 to deliver the Strategy published in January 2012.
When submitting the plan to HSE, Nick Baldwin stated:
“I am pleased to deliver ONR’s first Annual Plan a year ahead of schedule. It has been approved by ONR and HSE Boards and shared with Ministers.
The priority objectives and key activities set out in the Plan show how we intend to build further on our record for delivery and continue to seek improvements in nuclear safety and security standards in 2013-14, while maintaining momentum of organisational change within ONR.
It shows how we intend to judge our performance as we recognise it is important to demonstrate our value to stakeholders, and to ensure we are efficient and effective in everything that we do and place strong emphasis on delivering value for money in nuclear regulation.
The plan demonstrates the progress that ONR has made and I would like to thank staff for their support and hard work in the past year.”
The Plan was compiled in consultation with the Chief Executive, and with the Chief Nuclear Inspector, Deputy CEO, and all Programme Directors and aligns with ONR’s Strategy and aspires to have a nuclear sector that;
- controls its hazards safely, securely and effectively,
- has a culture of continuous improvement and sustained excellence in operations, and
- whenever possible, shares information about their activities with the public and acts as a trusted source of information.
These influence ONR's priority objectives and the investment put into them.
In the forthcoming year, ONR's greatest regulatory challenges are securing the delivery of reductions in hazards at Sellafield, and to facilitate lasting improvements in the UK’s preparedness to respond to a nuclear emergency. Equally, ONR will focus attention on its regulatory assurance and corporate centre to provide stakeholders with confidence in ONR’s effectiveness and efficiency as a nuclear regulator.