The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) is holding its Annual Conference tomorrow in London (Friday 5 June). The conference, attended by invited guests from the industry and beyond, will examine the issues facing nuclear regulation in the UK in 2015, looking at the ONR's new strategy and regulatory approach, cyber security challenges, as well as health and safety at nuclear sites.
Speakers include Gerassimos Thomas, Deputy Director, Energy, European Commission talking about future energy viability across the UK and Europe.
Nick Baldwin, Chair, ONR, said: "The ONR's conference is a valuable opportunity for those involved in the UK's nuclear industry to share experience and common views.
"Looking ahead, in the autumn, we will publish our five-year Corporate Plan. The plan will underpin our five-year strategy and will provide transparency on how we will deliver that, including its financing. ONR aims to be an exemplary regulator that inspires respect, trust and confidence: by examining challenges faced and sharing best practice as we will tomorrow, the public can be confident that our priority is - and will remain - holding the industry to account on its behalf."