ONR has published its Gender Pay Report for 2017
The organisation-wide results show that ONR has a mean gender pay gap of 32.94%. This is broadly similar to the rest of the UK nuclear industry and anticipated given ONR’s workforce profile, and that of the industries from which we have recruited.
Adriènne Kelbie, Chief Executive, ONR said: “Although the gender pay gap reported was anticipated and similar to rest of the nuclear industry, we are not complacent at all. I have always placed huge value on diversity in organisations, and I’m proud of the work ONR is doing to ensure our team is as diverse as possible.”
Within ONR, the majority of men are employed at high grading levels, in technical specialist roles and most women are employed in corporate and operational support roles. This gender split is largely structural: for many years, ONR has recruited its technical specialists in the higher grades from a system and industry where men have predominated in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects.
Adriènne Kelbie continued: “Encouraging more women in STEM subjects is vital, and ONR works closely with STEM organisations, schools and colleges to achieve this. We know that our staff can play a vital role in inspring future generation of women engineers and scientists and we encourage and actively support our staff to become STEM Ambassadors.”
As an organisation, ONR is committed to improve our diversity at all levels, including closing the current pay gap. We have introduced ‘name anonymous’ selection in a move to remove unconscious bias when recruiting, we aim for all selection panels to have a female member as far as reasonably practical, and promoting our job vacancies and ONR’s work on different and more diverse platforms and ensuring we address historic and cultural barriers.
Adrienne said: “Since 2014, we have sponsored a cohort of nucleargraduates graduate training programme, with this year’s cohort starting in a few weeks. Nearly 50% of these graduates have been women, and I am delighted that so far nine of these have joined ONR as technical specialists on permanent appointments.”
ONR's Gender Pay Report 2017