The Government has today introduced in Parliament the Nuclear Safeguards Bill, which will amend The Energy Act (2013) to give ONR the legal powers to deliver a domestic safeguards regime that meets UK international obligations.
In a Written Ministerial Statement on 14 September, the Government set out its intention to establish a domestic safeguards regime that seeks to deliver to existing Euratom standards of assurance.
A spokesperson for the Office for Nuclear Regulation said: "Given the Government’s decision to withdraw from the Euratom treaty, we welcome this bill as an important step in granting ONR the powers it needs to deliver a UK State System of Accountancy for and Control of nuclear material (SSAC).
"We are working positively with Government to ensure the UK is in a position to meet its international safeguards, and nuclear non-proliferation obligations following its withdrawal from the Euratom treaty."
Update, 31 October 2017
The Nuclear Safeguards Bill has now entered the House of Commons Committee stage and the Public Bill Committee on the Nuclear Safeguards Bill is receiving written evidence from any interested stakeholders. The Committee will stop receiving written evidence at the end of the Committee stage which is expected to be not later than 5pm on Thursday, 16 November 2017.
Visit Parliament website for more information on the Bill, and how to submit evidence.