Taking place on 11 and 12 October 2018, we’re delighted to be hosting the Young Generation Network ‘Introduction to Nuclear Regulation’ seminar, in association with the Nuclear Institute, to provide the industry’s young professionals with an insight into our work.
Whether it’s learning about our generic design assessment process and work to assess new reactor designs, or finding out more about the new domestic safeguards regime we’re setting up following the UK’s decision to leave Euratom, our senior leaders and inspectors will give delegates an in-depth understanding of our work regulating the country’s nuclear industry.
We play such an integral role in the sector, both here and across the globe, this event should not be missed by anyone in the early stages of a nuclear career.
One of our Superintending Inspector’s, Graeme Thomas, who is supporting this year’s event, said: “We’re really looking forward to welcoming delegates to this year’s event. The seminar is a great opportunity for those who might not know too much about ONR to come along and learn about the wide range of our regulatory work, whether it’s new nuclear power stations, operating reactors, decommissioning, fuel and waste sites, the defence nuclear programme, nuclear security or nuclear transportation.
“We’re delighted to have speakers from across all our regulatory areas this year, and through a combination of interactive presentations and exercises, delegates will have the chance to hear first-hand from many of our senior subject experts.
“I’m very proud of our team of Nuclear Associates who are working hard to plan and organise what promises to be a really great event. So if you are interested in learning more about ONR’s regulatory work and role, I would encourage you to come along.”
The seminar will take place at our Redgrave Court office in Merseyside. If you would like to register to attend, please visit the Nuclear Institute website.