16 September, 2019
The Office for Nuclear Regulation has agreed to a short extension to two Improvement Notices issued to EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd (EDF), recognising the good progress made so far.
The notices were served in January 2019 following an incident at Heysham 1 power station in November 2018, when a valve on a steam system failed resulting in injuries to three EDF Energy employees. There was no release of radioactive material as a result of the incident and the two reactors remained operational.
The notices require EDF to improve the instructions provided to staff operating steam systems and to ensure such systems are properly maintained.
ONR has been closely monitoring the work to comply with both notices and is satisfied that good progress is being made. The extension of the compliance date from 16 September, 2019, to 16 December, 2019 will enable EDF to fully address the requirements of both Improvement Notices and provide ONR with an adequate demonstration of its revised arrangements.
ONR will continue to monitor progress over the period of the extension to ensure full compliance.