The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has appointed two new members to the Board of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).
Dr Janet Wilson
Janet has spent the majority of her career to-date working in the nuclear sector (public and private both civil and defence) at senior and executive level with an expert interest in areas of organisational development, nuclear safety, security, environment, non-proliferation and policing (armed response).
She has been a member of both the Civil Nuclear Police Authority and the Government Committee on Radioactive Waste Management. She currently sits on the Tokamak Energy Regulatory & Safety Board.
She is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a Freeman of the City of London, is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Engineers, and has a PhD in nuclear reactor safety.
Janet will take up the appointment on 1 April 2020 for a five year term.
Tracey Matthews
Tracey has spent much of her career working in the utilities sector with United Utilities Plc. and gained extensive Operational and Asset Management experience, culminating as General Manager Network Operations providing multi utility services for 7 million customers in the North West of England. Tracey was Transition Manager for the first water industry operations outsourcing contract involving Welsh Water and United Utilities Plc., with Welsh Water moving from seventh to first in the OFWAT regulatory ranking.
From 2004 to 2006, as Head of Programme Delivery, Tracey was responsible for the delivery of Scotland’s £2.3bn water and wastewater capital infrastructure programmes. She managed this delivery programme through a seven-partner Joint Venture organisation with Scottish Water. The unique nature and success of the Joint Venture has been recognised through numerous industry, customer, stakeholder and environmental awards.
Tracey now balances a non-executive and independent consultant portfolio. Her consulting work is focused on business development and programme management mainly in energy and infrastructure sectors. She has previously held Non-Executive roles with Highways Agency, Office of Rail and Road and UK Coal Ltd. Currently she is the Independent Chair for Scottish and Southern Electricity’s RIIO-2 Enhanced Engagement Group, Chairman of AGT Ltd, Board member of Energy and Utility Skills Group and Non-Executive Director with Transport for Greater Manchester. She has a BSc in Chemistry.
Tracey will take up her appointment on 1 June 2020 for a five year term.
The ONR Chair, Mark McAllister, welcomed the new appointments and the wealth of experience they will bring to the Board. He also thanked the outgoing ONR Board members Penny Boys and Bronwyn Hill for their sterling work, commitment and dedication over the last four years. Penny and Bronwyn will step down on 31 March and 31 May 2020 respectively.