ONR is continuing to obtain assurance that nuclear site licensees and other dutyholders are adequately resourced to continue to safely and securely carry out their activities.
We remain satisfied with industry’s response at this time and there has been no significant change to dutyholders’ safety and security resilience.
As we see the progressive easing of COVID-19 related restrictions by the UK Government and devolved administrations, our focus is now on the preparedness for the weeks and months ahead and maintaining safe and secure operations in the face of any potential escalation in COVID-19 transmission.
All licensed sites are required to determine minimum staffing levels necessary to ensure safe and secure operations and contingency arrangements in the event that these levels are not met. This condition is specifically designed to ensure that industry can adequately manage and control activities that could impact on nuclear safety and security under all foreseeable circumstances, including pandemics.
ONR ways of working during COVID-19
ONR staff continue to work at home, primarily. We have considered our priorities, deferred non-critical activities, and are carrying out as much of our work as possible via videoconference, phone and email.
We are increasing our on-site regulatory work in accordance with public health advice. We’ll also continue to inspect, assess and permission remotely where necessary to protect staff, workers on site, and the public around sites.