ONR is delighted to have won the Training and Development Award at the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Global Awards.
We scooped the much sought after award for our ‘N20 - Nuclear Chemical Process’ course in the Learning and Development category.
We deliver the award-winning course in partnership with presenters from AWE, DSRL, Sellafield, NNL and Urenco which highlights the remarkable results we can achieve when we work in partnership and keep investing in our skills and culture.
The annual IChemE Global Awards celebrate chemical, process and biochemical engineering excellence and are widely considered as the world’s most prestigious chemical engineering awards.
The course is run by ONR’s Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Specialism and is open to Inspectors from ONR and from the Environment Agency.
The course includes regulatory background, history and context, and some general science from within ONR and then a number of dutyholders present over several days, to describe first-hand the hazards, current and future challenges presented by the plant they operate.
The multipartite nature of this course has also seen it shortlisted in the ‘Team’ category of the IChemE Awards, the winner of which will be announced later this month.