The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) is pleased to announce that we have appointed a new member to the Chief Nuclear Inspector’s Independent Advisory Panel (IAP).
Chris McDonald has joined the panel, which was set up in in 2016 to provide independent advice on technically complex nuclear matters by engaging with industry experts to inform our regulatory strategies and approaches.
Chris has a wealth of experience in industrial strategy and manufacturing research. Chris has a degree in Chemical Engineering and has been the CEO of the Materials Processing Institute since it was founded in 2014. He has a proven record in the areas of innovation and low-carbon energy which will be of great benefit to ONR.
Mark Foy, Chief Nuclear Inspector for ONR, said: “I’m delighted to welcome Chris to the IAP. Chris brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience and I look forward to his contributions.
“We are committed to being an open and transparent regulator, so inviting a representative from the Materials Processing Institute on to the panel was a really positive step.”
Chris McDonald said: “I was pleased to be invited to join the Chief Nuclear Inspector’s independent advisory panel. I will be pleased to contribute my expertise in innovation strategy and management, as well as materials to meet our future energy needs.”
The IAP meets twice a year, bringing together experts from across the nuclear industry, academic community, government departments and other regulators who contribute to informed debate and provide advice on relevant topics.
Discussions at the meeting range from regulatory strategies and policy to implications of developments in new nuclear technologies and the regulation of innovation, and we’re always interested to hear the views of the panel.