We have published our Annual Report and Accounts covering 2020/21.
It shows how we delivered our mission to protect society by securing safe nuclear operations, and the progress we have made towards achieving our vision to be a modern, transparent regulator, delivering outcomes that our stakeholders and the public trust and value.
The report explains how we maintained our regulatory focus during the COVID-19 pandemic, focussing on critical and essential activities to keep workers and the public safe. It provides a summary overview of our regulatory, organisational and financial performance, as well as information on our governance.
Mark McAllister, Chair, ONR, said:
“There is no doubt that 2020/21 has been a challenging year for us all, and by maintaining delivery of our core regulatory work, we’ve kept workers and the public safe. We’ve targeted the most significant hazards and risks on licensed sites, regulated security arrangements across many more dutyholders and became the domestic safeguards regulator. That included delivering a major project to set up a whole new function, team, processes and IT system, and I was delighted to see ONR’s work recognised at the PMI UK awards last week*. This is a huge achievement for ONR and all the stakeholders we worked with to make it happen.
“Listening, learning from and collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders across the UK and internationally remains central to our regulation and operations. Over the last year we’ve shared good practice in our responses to the pandemic, helping us develop new ways of working and further improve resilience, now and in the future - work which we look forward to building on in 2021-22.”
The Annual Report and Accounts was formally laid before Parliament on 20 July 2021 by the Department for Work and Pensions, our government sponsorship body.