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ONR announces commitment to government’s Climate Adaptation Reporting

The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) will begin Climate Adaptation Reporting later this year, under powers given to the government.

The ONR report, which will be published in December, will outline how climate change could impact on UK nuclear facilities, the industry’s response, and any potential impact on regulation.

The ongoing Chief Nuclear Inspector’s Themed Inspection on climate change will also ensure effective regulation in this area.

Split into two parts, the Climate Adaptation Reporting will encompass both ONR’s internal and external approaches to ensure effective regulation. It will also provide a high-level summary of the industry’s developing arrangements and monitor its level of preparedness for this issue, which is an ONR priority.

Andria Gilmour, ONR’s Civil Engineering & External Hazards Lead for Nuclear Safety, said: “Taking part in Climate Adaptation Reporting will allow us to effectively communicate even more about how we regulate the current and future impact on  the nuclear industry from the potential effects of climate change.

“We’re looking forward to sharing our report later this year which will outline the progress made in ensuring the nuclear industry remains safe and secure in this area.”

After being submitted, Adaptation Reports will be analysed by Cranfield University, DEFRA’s Adapting to Climate Change Programme, and lead government departments.

Reports will be published in due course and allow for areas of good practice to be highlighted, helping to compare and contrast how different organisations are assessing and responding to the impacts of climate change.