The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) to ensure regulatory cooperation on matters of nuclear safety.
The MoU, which lasts for five years, will strengthen the relationship between the two regulators, supporting the protection of society with safe and secure nuclear operations.
It will bring benefits including information sharing, employee exchange and shared participation in courses, secondments and seminars.
Joint research groups may also be set up to collaborate on nuclear and safety related research.
Mark Foy, ONR’s Chief Nuclear Inspector and Chief Executive Officer, said: “Working with international regulators is a key priority for ONR, enabling us to learn from each other and share good practice.
“By signing this MoU, ONR and HAEA will benefit from working collaboratively on regulatory issues of common interest, which will contribute to ensuring that the high standards of nuclear safety are maintained.
“We look forward to further strengthening our cooperation on matters of mutual interest.”
Andrea Beatrix Kádár, HAEA’s President, said: ““HAEA is looking forward to closely cooperating with ONR and sharing regulatory experience on the safe use of nuclear energy.
“Regulatory challenges related to new technologies such as Small Modular Reactors are particularly important in this cooperation.”