As part of ONR's duties outlined in the Energy Act 2013 (section 88), we may carry out or commission research connected to our five purposes and must publish the research results, if we consider it appropriate to do so.
Why do we carry out or commission research?
We use research to support our independent regulatory decision-making while delivering value for money. This helps our inspectors form their regulatory judgments confidently and effectively using robust, up-to-date scientific and technical information relevant to our five purposes.
To enhance our regulatory capability and effectiveness, and to fulfil our duty as an independent regulator, we commission research activities based on the following objectives:
- Address knowledge gaps more effectively and sustainably to support ongoing regulatory decisions, particularly in high-priority or contentious areas; and
- Gain a greater understanding and oversight of emerging topics and how they may impact the nuclear industry.
Learn more about our approach to research (.DOCX).
Examples of research aims
- Gaining diverse views of a subject to support our independent decision-making;
- Gathering examples of relevant good practice;
- Exploring assumptions underpinning safety, security or safeguards submissions;
- Identifying potential improvements to existing models or data; and
- Better understanding how to apply new technologies to support regulatory activities.
How do we carry out or commission research?
The Heads of Profession for each of our specialisms regularly review their specialist areas to identify potential research needs.
Research projects are formally proposed through completion of a regulatory research proposal submitted to the Research function. These proposals confirm the research is in line with our regulatory framework and support our strategic themes. We liaise with other UK regulators, the nuclear industry, and other major national and international nuclear research bodies to ensure our research proposals offer value for money.
To develop these proposals into tangible, useful outputs, we will convert the proposals into specifications, and then discuss these with the nuclear industry and key research providers. If appropriate, the nuclear industry will be invited to commission research to address these topics and share the results with ONR. If not, ONR will commission the research and publish the results. In most cases we will charge the costs of the research back to the relevant licensees and dutyholders. Industry groups also manage and deliver long-term research work, which we monitor.
How do we ensure our research is effective and offers value for money?
To demonstrate we are commissioning research in a proportionate and appropriate manner, we perform an annual internal qualitative evaluation of effectiveness of the research we commission, applying the National Audit Office’s value for money criteria, i.e., economy, efficiency and effectiveness. We occasionally qualify effectiveness by sampling research via independent third party review, particularly where research might recommend changes of regulatory expectation or approach, or where expert opinion is divided.
The outcomes of our effectiveness review form part of the annual Chief Nuclear Inspector’s report on the state of safety, security and safeguards in the GB nuclear industry.

Explore our research
View ongoing and completed research projects we have led or commissioned.