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The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) will recoup its costs via a £27 charge per registration certificate issued. This will work as follows:

  • All registerable practices can be covered by a single registration certificate for a total charge of £27;
  • There will be no charge whenever a certificate is reissued after a material change; and
  • There will be no charge when a practice ceases and the certificate is withdrawn.

This charging framework is identical to that used by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Employers should be aware that the ONR and HSE recoup costs independently.

For operators of nuclear premises, the charge will be recovered through the current ONR fee recovery mechanism.

For others (such as contractors) who are applying for registration to undertake practices on nuclear premises, ONR will issue a registration certificate on application. This will be on the basis that payment is made by the applying employer via bank transfer / credit card payment within 30 days of the issue date of the registration certificate.

ONR will provide payment account details on the issuing of the registration certificate.

Failure for the applying employer to make payment within 30 days will result in ONR formally revoking the registration certificate under Regulation 6(5) in writing.

If the applying employer continued to undertake those practices detailed within their registration certificate on nuclear premises after formal revocation of the registration certificate, they would be doing so in contravention of Regulation 6(3) of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017.