- Date released
- 17 February 2020
- Request number
- 202001055
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000
Information requested
I wish to make an FOI request for documents relating to the aborted GDA on the ACR-1000.
My understanding is that the ACR-1000 successfully completed Step 2 of the GDA process before it was withdrawn from consideration by the reactor vendor.
Your website demonstrates that for other designs to complete this step, such as the AP1000, that documents relating to the step have been published.
I wish to make a question for analogous documents to those published for the AP1000, but for the ACR-1000.
This should include the relevant Technical Reports and Assessment Summary Reports published by yourselves, the HSE and engaged contractors. Although I only require English versions of said documents.
Information released
Part One
I confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA, that we hold information relevant to your request.
ONR was established as a statutory Public Corporation on 1 April 2014 under the Energy Act 2013. From 1960, the regulation of the UK’s nuclear industry was the responsibility of our predecessor body, the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) which was part of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This is why the document below is badged as an HSE publication.
Please find attached a copy of HSE’s “Public Report on the Generic Design Assessment of New Nuclear Reactor Designs - Conclusions of the Fundamental Safety Overview of the ACR-1000 Nuclear Reactor (Step 2 of the Generic Design Assessment Process)”.
We have also identified four other documents which are potentially within the scope of your request. However, we require more time to consider their release as we require access to the HSE website archive. We aim to respond to you as soon as possible, certainly by 16 March 2020.
Part Two
Following on from our letter dated 17 February 2020 concerning further documents in relation to the GDA on the ACR-1000. I can confirm that under Section 21 of the FOI Act , the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Environment Agency (EA) have published a number of technical assessment reports on the AECL ACR-1000, these can be found at the National Archives.
Exemptions applied
Sections 1 and 21
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable