- Date released
- 30 March 2020
- Request number
- 202003081
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000
Information requested
On 10 February 2020 you requested (ref FOI202002062):
I would like to request a review into the following archival file - POWE 74/165. I recently submitted an FOI to BEIS for this file, who have told me that you have this file, after another FOI into the National archives, who told me that BEIS had this file.
Following our response of 2 March 2020 you provided the following additional information (ref FOI202003081):
The file might be under its former reference in its original department: NUC 117/9.
Information released
From the additional information you provided, we have conducted a further search of our document management system. Following this search, I confirm under Section 1 of the FOIA, that we do not hold the information pertinent to your request.
If you have any further information in relation to your request e.g. the full file name or a description of the subject matter, this may assist in determining whether we hold the information you have requested in our records.
In addition if you have any further details in relation to your correspondence with BEIS this may also help.
Further Information:
Should you wish to clarify your request, please contact us via the email address contact@onr.gov.uk, quoting reference: FOI202003081.
Any reformulated request will be treated as a new Freedom of Information request. Please note that in accordance with Section 1(3) of the FOIA we are not under any further obligation to respond until you have provided the appropriate clarification .
If you are unhappy with the decisions made by ONR you may ask for an internal review within two calendar months of the date of this letter by writing to me quoting the reference number above.
Exemptions applied
Section 1.
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable