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Stakeholder Group

Date released
20 March 2020
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000

Information requested

I am a PhD student at the University of Leicester researching the communication strategy of the nuclear industry in the 1970s/80s/90s. Part of this project is to look at the role of the stakeholder groups or local liaison committees. I have been told to get in contact with the National Stakeholder Group but can't seem to find any contact details for them - does such a group exist or is this being confused with another organisation? Further to this, does the ONR hold records of minutes of meetings from these groups from the 1970/80/90s? If so can they or a selection of them, be made accessible to the public?- Consider this an FOI request.

Information released

We can confirm that we may hold some of the information requested. However following a sampling exercise, gathering it together is likely to involve a cost way in excess of the £600 limit set by the government in Section 12 of the FOIA . This is due to the number of sites we regulate, the type of information requested and how historic information is stored at ONR.

Each major licensed nuclear site has a liaison committee or stakeholder group, run by the licensee that includes local authorities, trade unions, interested local groups and members of the public. ONR and our predecessor organisation have attended these meetings however the secretariat function is provided by the licensee and they are responsible for the production and distribution of minutes for these groups.

It is likely that they will hold this information therefore we suggest you contact them. The Public Register of Nuclear Site Licensees  details the name and addresses of all companies holding a site licence.

Further information:

Section 16 of the FOIA - Duty to advise and assist

If the licensees are unable to help, you may wish to refine your request in attempt to bring it within the set limit. You could do this by choosing a particular site to help refine our search.

Please note that files of this type from the 70s and 80s have been destroyed in line with our record retention schedule therefore we will only potentially hold information from the 90s.

Should you wish to refine your request, please contact us via the email address, quoting reference: FOI202002073. Any reformulated request will be treated as a new FOI request. Please note that in accordance with Section 1(3) of the FOIA we are not under any further obligation to respond until you have provided the appropriate refinement.

Exemptions applied

Section 12 and 16

PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable