- Date released
- 24 June 2020
- Request number
- 202006001
- Release of information under
- Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Information requested
I understand that the HPC silo contained 'ground granulated blast furnace slag' - so presumably concentrations of dioxins. And given nuclear industry penchant for re-use and recycling 'de-minimis' waste - it may prove helpful to understand better what exactly was in the silo, and what the potential health impact may be.
Please note, I am asking the question, as to exactly what was in the HPC silo, in the context of the Access to Information Regulations.
Information released
I confirm that ONR holds information of the description specified in your request.
Please find attached the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) contained in the storage silo which suffered structural damage at the HPC site. Section 3 on “Composition/Information on Ingredients” provides the substance related information in answering your request.
We have also provided the following information which you may find helpful.
GGBS is a powder routinely used by the construction industry in the production of concrete. ONR has consulted relevant specialists within HSE and the Material Safety Data Sheet for the discharged products, which is publicly available on the internet at https://www.hanson.co.uk/en/products/regen-ggbs, and considers the health risks to be low.
Exemptions applied
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable