- Date released
- 13 August 2020
- Request number
- 202004009
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000
Information requested
Information in relation to:
POWE 74/165 - Radio and television broadcasts: procedure for broadcasts by civil servants; 'Go play in the nuclear power park'; Man Alive 'The waste remains and kills', 'A nuclear accident', British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL) advertising.
Information released
I confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA, we hold the information related to your request.
Please find attached nine documents identified as relevant to your request. The documents are copies of transcripts from television and radio broadcasts and related correspondence.
Some information has been withheld because it contains personal data. The personal data has been withheld using the exemption section 40(2) of the FOIA. In particular, release of the information would breach principle (a) of GDPR (lawfulness, fairness and transparency) on the grounds that there is no lawful basis to process this data.
We have also redacted a small amount of information due to its sensitive nature in line with Section 24; safeguarding national security of the FOIA.
As Section 24 is a qualified exemption, we are required to balance the public interest between disclosure and non-disclosure. We have therefore applied the Public Interest Test, as set out below:
We have also been in contact with the relevant third party in relation to the application of the exemptions.
Factors for release:
Issues related to the nuclear industry are subject to close scrutiny and debate, there is a public interest in information related to nuclear activities and the release of such information.
The information may provide reassurance to the public about the safety and security of nuclear installations. It may also facilitate the accountability and transparency of ONR for decisions taken by them as a regulator of the nuclear industry. Furthermore, use of the exemption provides no further information to the public and represents a frustration of ONR’s policy of openness and transparency.
Factors for withholding:
The information is sensitive as it provides details of locations. This information is judged to be of benefit to hostile and malicious antagonists who may exploit it to identify potential vulnerabilities in the safeguarding of the UK’s national security infrastructure.
In conclusion, after careful consideration of the factors set out above, ONR has concluded that the information should be withheld. This information has been established as sensitive to the safeguarding of national security. Therefore, it is ONR’s judgement that publication of elements of the information requested would not be in the public interest.
Exemptions applied
Section 40(2) and section 24.
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable
Yes, please see above.