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Condition of the graphite blocks for each of the AGR’s in the UK

Date released
7 October 2020
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000

Information requested

I am applying under the FOI Act for information on the condition of the graphite blocks for each of the AGRs in the UK (Dungeness B 1&2, Heysham A 1&2, Heysham B 1&2, Hinkley B 1&2, Hartlepool 1&2, Hunterston B 1&2, Torness 1&2) and how these have changed over time.

I would like information from each inspection at each reactor from 2010 (inclusive). I would also like to know the safety limits that have been set out by the ONR and/or EDF in the operational safety case for cracking in each reactor core. Using draft figures for Heysham A Reactor 1 as an example:

  • Heysham A Reactor 1 has a safety limit of 700 cracks.
  • Heysham A Reactor 1 inspection June 2012: 0 cracks
  • Heysham A Reactor 1 inspection July 2016: 2 radial cracks, 1 axial cracks, 0 keyway
  • Heysham A Reactor 1 inspection August 2019: 15 radial cracks, 4 axial cracks, 1 keyway

Information released

We try to be as open as possible when answering requests, but your request is very broad and covers a wide-range of information. Gathering it together is likely to involve a cost in excess of the £600 limit set by the government for dealing with FOI requests. This is due to the number of reactors in scope of the request, the type of information requested, and how historic information is stored at ONR. Further information on this can be found in Section 12 of the FOIA. (Requests where the cost of compliance exceeds the appropriate limit).  

To help you refine your request so it can be dealt with under the appropriate limit,
we have identified information that can be provided (subject to any necessary redactions). This includes:

  • The most recent graphite assessment reports written in support of the return to service of each AGR reactor listed in your request from the time of its last statutory graphite inspection outage.

These reports consider the latest inspection finding against the limits of the current safety case.

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable