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Radiation dosage records

Date released
22 October 2020
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000

Information requested

I am looking to obtain radiation dosage records held for my father, a former employee of CEGB/Nuclear Electric at Hinkley Point Power Station from approximately 1980 to his death in 1998. I would be grateful for any advice on whether this is feasible, and if so, which body to request the information from and what form the request should take.

Information released

We have conducted a thorough search of our document systems and we can confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA, we do not hold the information in scope to your request.

UK legislation since 1986 requires employers to retain copies of dose records for their employees who are designated as classified radiation workers, for at least 50 years. Many employers similarly retained dose records for other non-classified employees too. Therefore, we only hold personal dose records of our own employees.

In relation to your father’s employment at CEGB/Nuclear Electric at Hinkley Point Power Station from approximately 1980 to 1998, we have set out some further information below that may be of assistance in obtaining his radiation dose records. We hope you find this information helpful.

Further Information:

The Central Index of Dose Information

The Central Index of Dose Information (CIDI) database records held by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) from immediately post 1985 will normally include cumulative dose information for workers classified under earlier regulations. This would provide the total dose from previous employment but not any detail from individual periods or employers. It is possible that CIDI also contains "termination records" with dose information normally generated at the end of a period of employment or transfer to another employer. You may wish to contact the HSE Approved Dosimetry Service Programme Manager in HSE at the following address:

The HSE Approved Dosimetry Service Programme Manager
Radiation Operations Administration
Health and Safety Executive
Redgrave Court 1.3
Merton Road
L20 7HS.

The National Registry of Radiation Workers

There may be relevant dose information held in the National Registry of Radiation Workers (which commenced circa 1976), administered by Public Health England (PHE). You may wish to contact the PHE Radiation Epidemiology Group at the following email address:

EDF Energy / Hinkley Point B

You may wish to contact EDF / Hinkley Point B Power Station at the following address:

Hinkley Point B Power Station
Nr Bridgewater

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable