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Information related to ONR's Regulatory Assurance Review Report

Date released
1 December 2020
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

In relation to ONR’s Regulatory Assurance Review Report (FOI202009042), you have requested:

a) Copy of the Review which undertook the following part of Recommendation (2) "Conduct a wider and fully comprehensive review of ONR guidance to ensure no similar document control exist".

b) Copy of the updated Procedures related in the following part of Recommendation (2) "Identify and Implement procedures to maintain robust document control of all such documents".

c) Location on ONR Website of other Regulatory Assurance Reports.

Information released

I can confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA we do hold some of the information requested. Please find a response to each of your requests in turn below.

a) Copy of the Review which undertook the following part of Recommendation (2) "Conduct a wider and fully comprehensive review of ONR guidance to ensure no similar document control exist". 

I confirm that we do not hold this information as we are yet to complete the review. However, as part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we have reviewed the document control aspects of our Safety Assessment Principles (SAPs) and, more recently, of safety Technical Inspection Guides (TIGs) and Technical Assessment Guides (TAGs). All such documents have been verified as aligning with our master Management System Documented Information register across all platforms (our Electronic Documents and Records Management System; our Management System portal; and ONR’s website).

Similar work will be conducted to review all remaining ONR guidance published on our Management System and ONR’s website in the future.

b) Copy of the updated Procedures related in the following part of Recommendation (2) " Identify and Implement procedures to maintain robust document control of all such documents".

Please find attached a copy of ONR’s ‘Control of Management System Documented Information’ procedure, ONR-MS-PROC-001, currently at Rev. 3. Also attached is ONR’s ‘Continual Improvement of the ONR Management System’ procedure, ONR-MS-PROC-002, currently at Rev. 0, which also has a role to play in bringing sustainable improvements to our documented arrangements.

c) Location on ONR Website of other Regulatory Assurance Reports. 

Regulatory Assurance reports are not published on the ONR website.

Exemptions applied

Section 40(2)

PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable