- Date released
- 4 June 2021
- Request number
- 202105005
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000
Information requested
I am doing a research project investigating call-off contracts in the public sector. I have identified some potential call-off contracts awarded by Office for Nuclear Regulation but I can't find details of the specific framework agreement they were awarded from.
I have attached an Excel file that contains the information I am looking at. The last two columns ("Title of Framework used" and "TED or CF url") is where I am missing information - please could you fill these in with the title of the framework agreement award notice and a TED or Contracts Finder url where I may find this. If the call off is through a framework with multiple versions (e.g. G Cloud, Digital Outcomes and Specialists), please specify which iteration of the framework was used.
I have provided the title, description, award date, supplier(s) awarded, details of the email contact from the notice, the value of the contract and procedure type used to award each potential call-off as well as a url link to the call-off in question and unique reference ID for each potential call-off.
Information released
I can confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA we do hold the information requested. I have detailed the information you require below.
Both contracts were let via a competitive procurement process and were contracted separately using the Standard Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Services to the Office for Nuclear Regulation .
Neither contract was let through a framework. The ‘Call-Off Contract for the Provision of Cyber Security Regulatory Support Services to ONR’ was let via an Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Open Procedure and the ‘Provision of a Crisis Communications Call Off Contract for the Office for Nuclear Regulation’ was let via an Open Tender through Contracts Finder.
The url links that you have provided in column B on the attached spreadsheet are correct. Therefore, there is no further information to add for Column M.
Exemptions applied
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable