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Estate Management Software

Date released
13 October 2021
Request number


Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

I would like to know what softwares are being used to manage your estate, particularly relating to the following activities and tasks [in the below table]:

Information released

We confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA, we hold the information relevant to your request.

Please find the name of software, version and how managed listed in the table below.

In relation to the estates management aspects of the query (i.e. the tasks relating to the first four “Activity” categories), we do not use any software to manage our estate other than Microsoft Excel and Word. This is used to collate management information. We are a minor tenant at each of our office locations, and we would obtain any additional information we might require from relevant third parties such as the building landlords or their agents. We do not hold information on the software used by those third parties.

Activity Tasks Name of software used Version used Managed in house or outsourced to third parties
Space and Facilities Management Facilities planning Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Resource scheduling Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Utilisation and optimisation analytics Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Floor plan visualisations Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Maintenance Management Proactive maintenance scheduling Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Reactive maintenance scheduling Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365

Supported by CANCOM

Work order administration Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Estate strategy planning Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Reporting and disclosures Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Estate Portfolio Management Estate strategy planning Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Reporting and disclosures Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Sustainability and Energy Management Energy consumption measurement and reporting Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Waste management Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Carbon emissions tracking   Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Capital Project Management Capital Project Management Project planning and design Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Cost and resource planning and management Microsoft Project Office 365 Supported by CANCOM
Financial Planning Financial planning and management Oracle Hyperion Financial Management

Fusion Edition

Outsourced to SSCL

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable