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ONR Technical Service Framework 2018-2022

Date released
16 February 2022
Request number


Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

Details in respect to the contract: ONR Technical Support Framework (TSF) (2018-2022)

  1. Suppliers who applied for inclusion on the framework (successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages) – Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.
  2. Actual spend on this framework from the start of the contract to the current date - Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.
  3. A list of each contract awarded under the framework including: Contract Name/Title, Award Value, Successful Supplier Contracted. If one aspect of information cannot be shared, please do share others for each contract. Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.
  4. The overall % split of framework value awarded to each successful supplier awarded under this FW. If specific supplier names cannot be shared, please remove supplier names, sharing relative % workshare split.  Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.
  5. Mean framework rates across each grade band.

Information released

I confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA we hold the information requested. We have answered your questions in turn below.

1. Suppliers who applied for inclusion on the framework (successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages). Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.

Our response:

The tables below detail the suppliers who applied for inclusion on the framework and the outcome against each Lot.

Lot 1 Bidder Outcome of PQQ Outcome of ITT
1 ESRC (Wood Group) Successful Successful
2 GRS Successful Successful
3 Tractebel Successful Successful
4 Westinghouse Successful Unsuccessful
5 Altran Successful Unsuccessful
6 Nuvia Unsuccessful N/A
7 Frazer Nash Consultancy Unsuccessful N/A
8 Jensen Hughes Unsuccessful N/A
Lot 2 Bidder Outcome of PQQ Outcome of ITT
1 ESRC (Wood Group) Successful Successful
2 Atkins Ltd Successful Successful
3 TUV SUD (consortium) Successful Successful
4 Frazer Nash Consultancy Successful Successful
5 Nuvia Successful Unsuccessful
6 Westinghouse Unsuccessful N/A
7 Jensen Hughes Unsuccessful N/A
8 KURY UK Unsuccessful N/A

2. Actual spend on this framework from the start of the contract to the current date - Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.

Our response:

The total value of contracts awarded, by Lot, as of 27 January 2022 are detailed in the table below.

Lot no. Number of contracts awarded Total value (inc VAT)
1 9 £2,698,059.71
2 65 £10,039,145.27
Total 74 £12,737,204.98

3. A list of each contract awarded under the framework including: Contract Name/Title, Award Value, Successful Supplier Contracted. If one aspect of information cannot be shared, please do share others for each contract. Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.

Our response:

Please refer to Annex 1 for details requested

4. The overall % split of framework value awarded to each successful supplier awarded under this FW. If specific supplier names cannot be shared, please remove supplier names, sharing relative % workshare split.  Please break down into Lot 1 and Lot 2.

Our response:

The % split for each successful supplier, against the total value for each Lot is detailed in the table below.

Lot 1 suppiler Total contracts value awarded (inc VAT) % of Overall value awarded in Lot 1
GRS £2,308,072.20 85.54 %
Tractebel £248,443.20 9.21 %
ESRC (Wood Group / Jacobs) £141,544.31 5.25 %
Lot 2 suppiler Total contracts value awarded (inc VAT) % of Overall value awarded in Lot 1
TUV SUD (consortium) £4,469,725.58 44.51 %
Frazer Nash Consultancy £3,926,865.14 39.15 %
ESRC (Wood Group / Jacobs) £1,147,162.01 11.42 %
Atkins Ltd £495,392.53 4.92 %

5. Mean framework rates across each grade band.

Our response:

The average rate across each band for each Lot is detailed below.

Lot 1 grade band Average rate (inc VAT) Lot 2 grade band Average rate (inc VAT)
1 £545.16 1 £413.65
2 £694.13 2 £564.41
3 £794.57 3 £708.92
4 £914.14 4 £906.92
5 £1,029.50 5 £1,123.46
6 £1,168.20 6 £1,315.00
7 £1,332.84 7 £1,547.56

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable