- Date released
- 27 September 2022
- Request number
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Information requested
I would like monthly figures for the number of ONR civil nuclear inspections carried out so far this year.
Can you break the figures down by type of inspection.
Can you please provide the information in Excel format.
Information released
We confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we hold the information relevant to your request. Some of this information can be found on our website at the following links.
Site Stakeholder Group (SSG) Reports
SSG reports are published in advance of the meetings being held. This is quarterly or half-yearly depending on the frequency of the SSGs, the reports capture details of all our interactions with the sites. Where inspections were undertaken in the reporting period, the report provides a summary of the type and content of inspections. SSG reports can be found on our website through the following link:
Intervention records
These records provide details of the interventions undertaken on the relevant site. They list the relevant inspection dates and types of inspections undertaken with inspection findings summarised in the Executive Summary. Intervention Records can be found on our website through the following link:
SSG and Intervention Records therefore fall within s.21 of the FOIA: information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means. This is an absolute exemption so does not require the public interest test.
In addition, for information not already published on our website, please see attached excel spreadsheet detailing security and safeguards inspections.
Further information
Each year we publish the total number of inspections as part of our Annual Report and Accounts. Please see the following link for further information:
- Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21 The total number of safeguards, security, licence condition, transport and system-based inspections can be found on page 8.
The 2021/22 Annual Report and Accounts is scheduled to be published in October.
Exemptions applied
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable