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Rolls-Royce SMR GDA

Date released
23 January 2023
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

In 2011 when I visited HSE Bootle to discuss the EPR ECCS, the NGOs were provided with the EPR GDA documentation for comment.

Areva also published the EPR design in adequate detail for assessment, see attached.

As the R-R SMR is now undergoing its GDA, I would be grateful for an equivalent set of documents for my analysis, which as before with the EPR, I will study free-of-charge and provide comment to ONR.

Information released

We confirm that under Section 1 of the FOIA, we do not currently hold the information requested. However, by way of advice and assistance, you may find the following information useful;

In 2011, the Generic Design Assessment of the EPR technology was in the final step (Step 4) of regulatory consideration.

Currently, the Rolls-Royce SMR is only in the Step 1 “initiation” phase of GDA, where the scope and schedule of submissions to be provided for regulatory assessment is being agreed. We only commence assessment of preliminary submissions in Step 2. Step 2 is expected to commence April 2023 and will result in Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd submitting to us a range of documents over a period of several months to an agreed schedule.

One of the requirements of GDA is that the Requesting Party sets up a website which makes publicly available the key submissions it has submitted to the regulators. This website should be in place for the Rolls-Royce SMR via their main website ( by 3 April 2023.

It is expected to have some initial design and safety case information at this time, which will be supplemented further when additional information is provided to the regulators. They are also required to set up a comments process on this website which allows interest parties and stakeholders to submit questions about the published submissions. Responses will be given by the Requesting Party to relevant comments and questions raised.

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable