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Historic LLCs (2011-2016) and PARs (2010-2016)

Date released
9 May 2023
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

I would like to request LLCs back to 2011 and PARs back to 2010 for the following sites:

  • AWE Aldermaston & Burghfield
  • Barrow
  • Clyde Naval Base
  • Devonport
  • Dounreay
  • Rolls Royce Submarines Ltd
  • Rosyth

Information released

In response to the above FOI request, we are pleased to confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA we hold the information relevant to your request and have provided the requested documents within the enclosed .zip file.

Please note that we have provided previously published PARs between the years 2010-2016 and previously published LLCs between the years 2011-2016 as requested, and the more recent documentation (2017-2022) can be found on our website via the below two links should these be required:

We can confirm that we did not publish any documents relating to Dounreay for the periods requested, however by way of assistance, we have included Vulcan documentation within the zip folder. Whilst Vulcan is a separate site to Dounreay and is operated by a different duty-holder, the sites have a large number of interfaces and touch points. Therefore, whilst the documents are described as relating to Vulcan, the information is relevant to Dounreay. In addition, you may wish to refer to the below link which includes submissions and other documentation for both Dounreay and Vulcan, dating back to 2009:

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable