- Date released
- 3 July 2023
- Request number
- 202306013
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Information requested
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
1. Further to the ONR's letter dated 24 April 2020, addressed to: Head of Local Authority Planning Team, ONR's Reference: 2020/111036 Unique Number: ONR-EPR-20-040, Subject heading: Changes to ONR Land Use Planning consultation zones. Whereby the ONR "request local planning authorities to notify us of any application for planning permission within our consultation zones that meets our consultation criteria." The document further specifies those sites which the ONR wish to be consulted on.
1. Can the ONR please provide the details confirming they were originally consulted and subsequently responded to West Berkshire District Council's Reserved Matters Planning Application no: 22/00325/RESMAJ (Approval of reserved matters following Outline Permission 18/02485/OUTMAJ [Outline application for residential development of up to 100 dwellings with new cycle pedestrian access onto Coltsfoot Way and two vehicular accesses onto Clayhill Road. Matters to be considered: Access.] Matters seeking consent: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale. | Land North Of Dauntless Road and South Of Pondhouse Farm Clayhill Road Burghfield Common Reading West Berkshire). Decision issued 29 July 2022.
I would like the above information to be provided to me via email.
Information released
We confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we hold the information relevant to your request. Please see below for further information.
Reference number 22/00325/RESMAJ, submitted to West Berkshire Council, related to four planning applications for approval of reserved matters of a proposed residential development located within the Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (DEPZ) of AWE Burghfield. As such, they are in-scope of our land use planning arrangements, further details of which you can find on our website at the following link: ONR Land use planning.
I confirm that:
- We did not advise against the related planning application 18/02485/OUTMAJ, in which the original outline planning permission for this proposed development was sought;
- This further planning applications 22/00325/RESMAJ relates to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale rather than any changes to the number of dwellings originally proposed; and
- West Berkshire Council’s emergency planners provided us with a copy of their consultation response to the first of the four planning applications with reference 22/00325/RESMAJ and, in this response, they have made no objection (please see attached).
Consequently, application 22/00325/RESMAJ raises no new issue for us as there has been no material change to either the application or to the views of the emergency planners. This being the case, our advice for this application (22/00325/RESMAJ) would be consistent with our previous advice regarding the original outline planning permission for this development (18/02485/OUTMAJ).
All of the relevant exchanges can be found on West Berkshire Council’s website at the following link: Find and Comment on a Planning Application - West Berkshire Council.
Please note that information relating to individuals has been redacted from the enclosed document as it constitutes personal data. The release of this type of information could identify an individual either directly or indirectly, and as such, any personal data that could identify another individual has been withheld under the remit of exemption s.40(2) of the FOIA.
Exemptions applied
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable