- Date released
- 1 September 2023
- Request number
- 202308023
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Information requested
Could you please respond to the following questions about your Core Systems:
- How many employees do you have?
- Which Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Finance system do you currently use?
- What is the value & expiry date of your current contract/licence? What are the extension options?
- Do you have any plans to review (upgrade/change) this system?
- Which Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System do you currently use?
- What is the value & expiry of your current contract/licence? What are the extension options?
- Do you have any plans to review (upgrade/change) this system?
- Which Supply Chain Management (SCM) System do you currently use?
- What is the value & expiry date of your current contract/licence? What are the extension options?
- Do you have any plans to review (upgrade/change) this system?
- Which Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Scenario Planning or Strategic Modelling System do you currently use?
- What is the value & expiry date of your current contract/licence? What are the extension options?
- Do you have any plans to review (upgrade/change) this system?
- HR & Payroll
- Which Human Capital Management (HCM) or HR and Payroll system do you currently use?
- What is the value & expiry date of your current contract/licence? What are the extension options?
- Do you have any plans to review (upgrade/change) this system?
- BI
- Which Analytics or Business Intelligence Systems do you currently use?
- What is the value & expiry date of your current contract/licence? What are the extension options?
- Do you have any plans to review (upgrade/change) this system?
- Do you have any plans to migrate to a fully integrated, fully cloud-based back-office system in the next two years?
Information released
We confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we hold some of the information relevant to your request.
Question 1 (Employees)
As of 31 July 2023, our headcount was 673.
Question 2 (ERP)
- We receive our Finance system via an outsourced provider (SSCL Ltd) who uses a single operating platform known as SOP (underpinned by the Oracle system). This is a pan-government contract and SSCL provides services to multiple government departments.
- As part of the existing contract agreement between SSCL and ONR, we pay an annual core charge of £300,000 for Finance/HR/Procurement services, and additional costs are incurred for extra services such as licences or change requests. Our current contract is due to expire 31 October 2025.
- Yes, we intend to seek a replacement ERP/BPS solution ahead of the current contract expiring.
Question 3 (CRM)
We do not have a system for CRM.
Question 4 (SCM)
We do not have a system for SCM.
Question 5 (EPM)
- We currently use a Strategic Modelling System called Strategic Workforce Planning Tool.
- This system was developed in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and is now managed solely by us. The licenses to use the system are part of the Microsoft Power Platform costs, which is valued at approximately £12,000 per year through an annual Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
- No, we do not currently have any plans to review the usage of this system.
Question 6 (HR & Payroll)
- We receive our HR & Payroll system via an outsourced provider (SSCL Ltd) who uses a single operating platform known as SOP (underpinned by the Oracle system). This is a pan-government contract and SSCL provide services to multiple government departments.
- As part of the existing contract agreement between SSCL and ONR, we pay an annual core charge of £300,000 for Finance/HR/Procurement services, and additional costs are incurred for extra services such as licences or change requests. Our current contract is due to expire on 31 October 2025.
- Yes, we intend to seek a replacement ERP/BPS solution ahead of the current contract expiring.
Question 7 (BI)
- As per Question 5, we currently use the Microsoft Power Platform.
- The approximate value of the contract is £12,000 per year through an annual Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
- No, we do not currently have any plans to review the usage of this system.
Question 8 (Integrated Cloud Based System)
No, we do not have plans to migrate to a fully integrated, fully cloud-based back-office system in the next two years.
Further information
Please note, if a potential supplier wishes to engage with ONR, they can register interest as a supplier via ONR’s Procurement Portal developed with Delta e-Sourcing. Registering to the Procurement Portal is free of charge and allows suppliers to view all tendering opportunities that are specific to ONR’s critical business needs.
Exemptions applied
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable