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Radioactivity discharged to the atmosphere from Sizewell B

Date released
26 September 2023
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

Please supply me with as much information as possible on radioactivity (expressed in Becquerels) annually discharged to the atmosphere from Sizewell B downstream of filters in the following categories:-

  • Total activity expressed separately as alpha, beta, and gamma;
  • The proportion of such activities that is in the form of particles 5 microns and larger;
  • The proportion of such activities that is in the form of particles between 1 micron and 5 microns;
  • The proportion of such activities that is in the form of particles between 30 nanometres and 1 micron;
  • The proportion of such activities that is in the form of particles smaller than 30 nanometres;
  • The proportions of such activities that emanate from specific radio-elements and isotopes of those elements.

Information released

We have conducted a thorough search of our document systems and can confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we do not hold the information relevant to your request.

This is because ONR does not regulate any kind of releases to the environment in any form (liquid, solid or gas). The Environment Agency regulates releases to the environment in England therefore you may wish to direct your enquiry to the Environment Agency who will be able to assist you with your request.

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable