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Emergency Plan for Sizewell C

Date released
16 October 2023
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

We have been discussing the current plans for an EP for the SZC construction period with Suffolk County (SCC) as part of SZC Co's application for a discharge of the requirement for there to be an EP for the construction period. We responded to the application on 27th July 2023, a copy of which was cc'd to you on that date (but an additional copy is attached here). Due to TASC's concerns about the construction EP, we had a meeting with SCC on 22nd August, a note of that meeting being attached. The email below was a follow-up to the notes of the meeting.

I would be grateful if you could:-

  • Provide copies of the ONR's correspondence/input leading to the Applicant's letter of 24th February 2022 to the Sec of State BEIS, and the ONR's agreement to this position (as referred to in the forwarded email below).
  • Advise why (assuming this to be the case), the ONR are content that the construction EP will be allowed to evolve over time, rather than requiring an EP now that covers the entire period of construction.

Information released

We confirm that under s.1  of the FOIA, we hold information described in part (i) of your request.

Please find attached two documents:

Regarding part (ii) of your enquiry about the construction emergency plan, given that the project will develop in a stepwise manner, with numbers of people on the site increasing over time, it would be disproportionate and unnecessary to implement an emergency plan now assuming the maximum number of workers, which will not occur for some time into the future. The plan needs to reflect the stage that the proposed Sizewell C construction project is in. The plan would reflect the population at risk during that phase of the project, which would enable the potential broader infrastructure changes during different phases to be considered. Therefore, before Sizewell C proposes to have significant numbers of workers on the site, the surrounding infrastructure would be developed, such that additional access and egress points, road capacity and means of sheltering would have been developed in advance of any increases. Prior to any proposed significant increases of personnel on the site, ONR will review the arrangements to ascertain if they are adequate for the proposed activities.

Exemptions applied

s.40 (2)

PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable