- Date released
- 26 March 2024
- Request number
- 202403063
- Release of information under
- Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Information requested
Is it possible to receive copies of the Enforcement Letters relating to action taken against NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited, Bylor JV and Darchem Engineering Ltd.
Information released
We confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we hold the information you have requested by way of three documents entitled:
- ONR-HPC504227N - Enforcement letter - Darchem Investigation Outcome - Bylor JV;
- ONR-HPC504228N - Enforcement letter - Darchem Invest. Outcome - EDEL Darchem; and,
- ONR-HPC504229N - Enforcement letter - Darchem Investigation Outcome – NNB.
Please note that information relating to individuals has been redacted from the enclosed documents as it constitutes personal data. The release of this type of information could identify an individual either directly or indirectly, and as such, any personal data that could identify another individual has been withheld under the remit of exemption s.40(2) of the FOIA
Further information
For clarification, we consider that demonstrable improvements have since been made following the actions from the letter, which we consider to be reasonable.
Evidence of this can be found in the Chief Nuclear Inspector’s Annual Report on Great Britain's Nuclear Industry 2022/23 (pages 33-34), which states:
2.46 NNB GenCo’s internal surveillance processes identified that an external tier 2 supplier, Darchem Engineering Ltd, had cropped radiograph images associated with a freshwater tank at the HPC site. These radiographs form part of the lifetime records for the plant. NNB GenCo notified ONR, and we have now concluded a formal investigation into this matter.
2.47 We found evidence that a small number of radiographs had been cropped to remove areas that were not scheduled for radiographic examination. The safety of the affected areas has been assured through other means and there is no risk to the public. This notwithstanding, we issued enforcement letters to NNB GenCo, Bylor and EDEL - Darchem Engineering Ltd requiring demonstrable improvements in inspection and records arrangements to prevent a recurrence.
2.48 We judge that, in response, the required improvements have been made and that affected suppliers have since taken appropriate action to address the shortfalls identified. We also noted that NNB GenCo’s internal assurance arrangements had identified the anomalies in question and the issue had been promptly reported to us as appropriate.
Exemptions applied
PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable