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The economic impact of ONR safety regulation

Date released
2 October 2024
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

Could you please supply a copy of:

The economic Impact of ONR Safety Regulation: Final Report  
Author: NERA  
Date December 2017

Information released

I can confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we do hold this information. Please see attached document:

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Further information

Following the publication of our first review of compliance against the Regulators’ Code in 2015, the ONR Board commissioned a review of the economic impact of our regulation on industry dutyholders. We tasked independent consultants, NERA Economic Consulting, with examining the economic impact of ONR’s civil nuclear safety regulation.

From the outset, we were clear that any consideration of cost crucially depends on the circumstances and there are clearly instances, such as meeting fundamental nuclear safety principles or established relevant good practices, where we will not entertain arguments that such measures are too costly. We also asserted that our existing guidance reflects a willingness, where appropriate, to take account of costs during engagement with dutyholders.

NERA’s report 'The economic impact of ONR safety regulation'. noted that ONR was an impressive regulator and highlighted a number of positive findings including our current regulatory strategy for Sellafield and the Generic Design Assessment process. It also concluded there was scope for further improvements, while identifying potential areas for ONR’s consideration.

Our response to NERA's report sets out our intended actions to address these recommendations. It also clarifies our position where any finding is not considered appropriate given the legal framework in which we operate.

Overall we believe that NERA’s report, and the positive engagement with the authors, has enabled us to identify a number of real improvement measures in terms of our awareness of, and approach to, our economic impact on the industry we regulate.

Ensuring a safe and secure nuclear industry will always be our overriding priority and we are robust in upholding the law, using our regulatory enforcement powers wherever necessary. Any actions identified in response to NERA's report are consistent with this priority.

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PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable