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Rolls Royce SMR

  • Date released: 29 November 2024
  • Request Number: 202411059
  • Release of information under: FOI 

Information requested

I am interested to learn more detail of the Rolls Royce SMR design but can only find superficial publicity material. Is it possible to obtain details of the design in the RR GDA submissions to you? If so, how do I locate them on your site.

Information released

We confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we hold the information you have requested. However, we are refusing your request under s.21 of the FOIA as the information is reasonably accessible by other means.

Under s.16 of the FOIA, we have a duty to provide advice and assistance. The information you are seeking can be found on Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd’s website supporting its Generic Design Assessment (GDA). There is a “documents” page where documents submitted to the regulators are available, notably “Version 2”.

The website also includes a “have your say” page, through which you can submit comments and questions to Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd on its design.

Details of ONR’s Step 2 fundamental assessment can be found on our website. The summary report includes a high level description of the design, and it is supported by various topic specific reports which you may find useful on both the design and our regulatory views.

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable