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ONR’s response to the fourth round of climate adaptation reporting in accordance with the Adaptation Reporting Power (ARP)

This report has been produced in line with the strategy for the fourth round of reporting of the adaptation reporting power (ARP), under the Climate Change Act 2008. The ARP invites organisations with functions of a public nature or statutory undertakers to report against the current and future projected impacts of climate change, and their adaptation proposals. The government, in particular the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, intends to use the information to feed into the UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessment.

This report is ONR’s first submission under the ARP. It focuses on the aspects of the nuclear industry in Great Britain (GB) we regulate, summarising its state of preparedness. It also explains how we are able to effectively influence proportional adaptation measures across the licensed sites which we regulate, in relation to those aspects which fall within our regulatory purposes. The report provides details of the measures we are taking as a public corporation to identify and manage climate-related adaptation measures which may adversely impact the delivery of our mission to protect society by securing safe nuclear operations.