- Site: Berkeley, Oldbury
- IR number: 19-004
- Date: April 2019
- LC numbers: 14
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
ONR undertook this inspection to examine Magnox Limited’s arrangements for delivering good quality, fit for purpose safety cases, and its arrangements for controlling exposure to ionising radiations. This was one of a series of planned inspections for 2019/20 in support of ONR’s Decommissioning Fuel and Waste sub-division strategy.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
I inspected the Berkeley and Oldbury sites’ compliance with the following:
- Licence Condition (LC) 14 – Safety Documentation
- Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17).
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not Applicable.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
The key findings were as follows:
- The licensee’s arrangements for safety documentation (LC14) are broadly in line with relevant good practice and these arrangements had been implemented adequately at both sites;
- The licensee’s primary compliance document - Radiological Safety Rules - is broadly consistent with IRR17 and the Approved Code of Practice;
- The licensee has carried out adequate investigations into radiological events. These establish the circumstances leading to the events and identify appropriate actions to reduce the probability of these events recurring;
- The licensee has an adequate access to radiation protection specialist resource in the form of Accredited Health Physicists, Radiation Protection Advisers, and Radiation Protection Supervisors;
- Berkeley is making progress with the implementation of a radiological improvement plan.
Conclusion of Intervention
It is my judgement that overall the licensee is complying with the requirements of Licence Condition 14 and those elements of IRR17 which were inspected, at both Berkeley and Oldbury sites.