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Winfrith - Planned Topic Area inspection of LC 2, 14, 17 and 35

  • Site: Winfrith
  • IR number: 19-023
  • Date: May 2019
  • LC numbers: 2, 14, 17, 35

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This compliance inspection on the Magnox Ltd Winfrith licensed nuclear site was undertaken as part of a programme of planned inspections as outlined in the Magnox southern sites’ inspection plan for 2019/20.  The scope of the themed Licence Condition (LC) 14, 17 and 35 inspections is aligned to the ONR Decommissioning, Fuel and Waste strategy and focussed on decommissioning safety documentation and management system which supports production of this documentation at the Active Liquid Effluent System (ALES) facility.  Additionally an LC 2 site boundary inspection was conducted following the relicensing of the Magnox Ltd Winfrith licensed nuclear site.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

During this intervention, I carried out a compliance inspection against the following licence conditions: LC 2 Site Boundary; LC 14 Safety Documentation; LC 17 Management Systems: and LC 35 Decommissioning.  I sought to gain evidence that arrangements have been made and implemented under the above LC for the decommissioning activities underway on the site.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate

Not applicable.

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The licensee was able to demonstrate through its written arrangements; from the sample of arrangements inspected; and the staff interviewed during the inspection that it complied with the requirements of LCs 2, 14, 17 and 35.

It is my opinion that from the documentation examined adequate arrangements have been made and implemented under LC14 for the production and assessment of the ALES decommissioning safety case, supported by an appropriate LC17 compliant management system.  The decommissioning programme for ALES is divided into appropriate decommissioning stages in compliance with the expectations of LC35. This includes the intention to modify the decommissioning safety case to justify future stages of decommissioning by further appropriately categorised safety modifications.

I also conducted an inspection of the ALES facility and it is my opinion that it is well managed and hazards at the facility are being adequately controlled.

It is my opinion that from a physical inspection of the signs used to delineate the Magnox Ltd Winfrith and Inutec Ltd site boundaries, the boundary is adequately marked and compliant with LC2, although improvements were recommended for signs at two corners to ensure it was clear when travelling by road on the site, as to when a person was entering or leaving each respective site.

Conclusion of Intervention

In my opinion the Licensee's arrangements for compliance with LC 2, 14, 17 and 35 were adequate from the sample of arrangements inspected, the plant visited and the staff interviewed during the inspection.  I therefore conclude that there are no matters that may impact significantly on nuclear safety.