- Site: Devonport
- IR number: 19-029
- Date: June 2019
- LC numbers: 26
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This intervention was carried out at the Devonport Royal Dockyard Limited (DRDL) licensed site and was undertaken as part of the 2019/20 intervention plan and propulsion sub-division strategy.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
ONR carried out a planned Licence Condition 26 (Control and supervision of operations) compliance inspection in line with the ONR Technical Inspection Guide NS-INSP-GD-026. The inspection plan was sent to DRDL in advance of the inspection.
The intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides) in the areas inspected.
The scope of the intervention was the control and planning of work on systems and equipment important to safety with a focus on maintenance activities.
The inspection targeted the Nuclear Utilities Building (NUB) with a particular emphasis on control and planning of maintenance specified by the plant maintenance schedule or derived from other statutory requirements.
The inspection was undertaken by sampling modified arrangements developed by DRDL for maintenance of the Nuclear Utilities Building and by conducting interviews with key persons controlling the work.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
A system/structure based inspection was not carried out.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
DRDL have made significant progress in regards to the planning of maintenance activities required by the safety case. Further work is required to fully embed modified arrangements and methodologies as well as clarification of roles and responsibilities.
An inspection rating of Amber (seek improvement) was awarded based on the continuing weaknesses identified in delivery and implementation of maintenance as derived by the safety case.
Conclusion of Intervention
DRDL have self-identified further issues associated with the planning and control of maintenance for which I shall seek improvement.