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GE Healthcare, the Grove Centre, IRR 17 and LC7 compliance

  • Site: GE Healthcare, Amersham
  • IR number: 19-042
  • Date: June 2019
  • LC numbers: 7

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This was one of a series of planned inspections for the Grove Centre licensed site for 2019/20. The site is owned and operated by the licensee GE Healthcare Ltd (GEHC).

The inspection included a review of the licensee’s implementation of regulatory advice given in writing in February 2019 in response to a radiological incident that occurred at the site in 2018.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

We undertook an Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) inspection of the site.

We reviewed the licensee’s arrangements for Licence Condition (LC) 7 - Incidents on the site.

Due to findings made in the IRR 17 inspection the Site Inspector undertook a limited inspection of Licence Condition (LC) 17 – Management systems.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate


Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The licensee has made the improvements to its arrangements for the notification, recording, investigation and reporting of incidents on the site under LC 7 as required by the regulatory advice given in February 2019.

From the evidence examined during the inspection we judged that the licensee’s arrangements for IRR 17 regulation 8 (Radiological Risk Assessment) and regulation 9 (Restriction of Exposure) were adequate, the improvements required by the regulatory advice given in February 2019 have been made.

We judged the licensee’s arrangements for IRR17 Regulation 13 (Contingency Plans) to be not adequate. The licensee provided an action plan that will be implemented to resolve the identified shortfalls.

The Site Inspector judged the implementation of the licensee’s LC17 quality management system arrangements for documentation not to be adequate. The licensee provided an action plan which will be implemented to resolve the identified shortfalls.

We judged the licensee’s radiological training for workers on site to be adequate.

Conclusion of Intervention

The licensee has adequately acted on the regulatory advice given in February 2019.

The inspection found shortfalls with the licensee’s radiological contingency arrangements and with the implementation of the licensee’s arrangements made under LC 17. The licensee accepted our findings and has instigated improvement plans to deal with the identified shortfalls.  Satisfactory completion of the actions will be monitored by the Site Inspector during routine regulatory engagement.