- Site: Devonport
- IR number: 19-044
- Date: July 2019
- LC numbers: 2, 8, 9
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This was a planned inspection, in line with the ONR Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) plan for 2019/20 for Devonport Royal Dockyard Ltd (DRDL).
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
The focus of the inspection was both to consider licensee’s arrangements, made under Licence Condition (LC) 2 (marking of the site boundary), LC 8 (warning notices) and LC 9 (instructions to person on the site), and the implementation of these arrangements on the Devonport licensed site. The inspection targeted instructions to persons with access to the nuclear licenced site, including warning notices. The purpose was to ensure that persons (escorted and unescorted) on the site respond appropriately, and without delay, in the event of a nuclear accident or emergency situation.
It is noted that security of the nuclear site boundary, and regulation of this, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and therefore security arrangements were beyond the scope of this inspection.
The intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides) in the areas inspected.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not applicable.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
Adequate signage was observed for the marking of the nuclear site boundary, and to ensure that persons on the nuclear licenced site take appropriate actions in the event of a nuclear emergency being declared, including directions to shelter stations.
No matters were identified as requiring immediate regulatory attention during the conduct of the compliance inspection.
No findings were identified as requiring regulatory attention during the conduct of the compliance inspection.
Conclusion of Intervention
On the basis of the evidence sampled, from the training and provision of signage to ensure persons on the nuclear licenced site respond appropriately in the event of a nuclear emergency being declared, I am satisfied that DRDL have in place adequate arrangements to demonstrate compliance with Licence Conditions 2, 8 and 9. I consider it appropriate to assign a rating of Green (no formal action) to this intervention.