- Site: Sellafield
- IR number: 19-089
- Date: September 2019
- LC numbers: 32
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) undertakes all regulatory interactions with the Sellafield site licensee (Sellafield Limited, SL) against a strategy defined by the ONR Sellafield Sub Division. This planned intervention was undertaken as part of the ONR 2019/20 Intervention Plan.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
I conducted a Licence Condition (LC) compliance inspection of LC 32 (“Accumulation of Radioactive Waste”) on SL’s Magnox Operating Unit, focussing on the Fuel Handling Plant (FHP). This inspection focused on SL’s implementation of their arrangements to ensure that nuclear matter and radioactive waste is control and managed across the facility.
This inspection was conducted to enable ONR to make a judgement as to the adequacy of the implementation of the licensee’s arrangements for compliance with the LC 32.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not applicable.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
No matters were identified as requiring immediate regulatory attention whilst conducting the compliance inspection of LC 32.
I examined evidence of the licensee’s compliance with its arrangements for LC 32 and consider, on the basis of my sample, that the licensee is largely compliant with its duties under LC 32.
I identified a minor shortfall raised a Level 4 Regulatory Issue associated with the under-pond area of FHP. This has been raised as a Level 4 Regulatory Issue to be managed as part of normal regulatory business.
Conclusion of Intervention
The LC 32 compliance inspection concluded that the licensee had adequately implemented its arrangements for LC 32. I therefore consider, noting the ONR guidance on inspection ratings, that an inspection rating of Green (no formal action required) is merited here. However one Level 4 Regulatory Issue has been raised.