- Site: Non-site specific
- IR number: 19-003
- Date: September 2019
- LC numbers: N/A
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
Supported by an Emergency Preparedness and Response Inspector and a Nuclear Graduate I conducted an inspection, under the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2001 (REPPIR), of the off-site emergency response capability of West Berkshire Council and two of their partner agencies, Thames Valley Police and Hampshire County Council. Henceforth in this report I have referred to ‘we’ to signify this inspection team.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
REPPIR places a number of duties on Local Authorities:
- To prepare the off-site emergency plan;
- To consult with other stakeholders;
- To review and test the plan at suitable intervals not exceeding 3 years; and
- To keep up-to-date arrangements to supply the public with information and advice on the facts of a radiation emergency.
This Inspection focussed on the arrangements that West Berkshire Council have in place to deliver their regulatory requirements. In addition, in relation to REPPIR regulation 11(3), the inspection also focussed on the arrangements that Thames Valley Police and Hampshire County Council have in place to cooperate with West Berkshire Council.
The Inspection focussed on the following themes:
- Governance Arrangements: oversight, delegation of responsibility, ownership arrangements for plan review, consultation, assurance of third party response capability, implementation of lessons learned, ‘business risk’ management, third party validation of arrangements
- Training: identified training needs for response roles, records, emergency response resource planning
- Facilities/Equipment: maintenance and readiness
- Emergency Arrangements and Testing: identify critical components and planning arrangements
The intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides) in the areas inspected.
- Off-site Emergency Arrangements – NS-INSP-GD-067 Rev 0
- Guidance for Intervention Planning and Reporting - ONR-INSP-GD-059 (Rev 6)
The inspection comprised of an examination of a sample of Local Authority and Police arrangements and associated records and discussions with their employees.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
ONR’s Inspection team judged that West Berkshire Council, Thames Valley Police and Hampshire County Council were all able to demonstrate that their arrangements for off-site emergency response capabilities satisfied the requirements of REPPIR 2001.
The inspection identified a number of good practices, which included targeted emergency response training, collaborative production of public information, novel practices for identifying lessons from exercises and positive working relationships between agencies.
The inspection identified one area for improvement relating to how West Berkshire Council and Hampshire County Council document the training requirements for emergency roles and maintain up-to date training and associated records for emergency role holders. However, overall there were no significant issues found. The ONR inspection findings were shared and accepted by the local authorities and Thames Valley Police.
ONR’s Inspection team judged that the arrangements in place within West Berkshire Council, Hampshire County Council and Thames Valley Police are suitable and sufficient for West Berkshire Council to deliver their regulatory requirements under REPPIR.
Conclusion of Intervention
From the evidence sampled during this inspection the ONR inspection rating has been determined as Green with no formal regulatory issues required.