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Site inspection to ensure compliance with the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005

  • Site: Hunterston B
  • IR number: 19-073
  • Date: September 2019
  • LC numbers: N/A

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This was a planned inspection at Hunterston B Nuclear Power Station, undertaken as part of the intervention strategy for Operating Facilities Division.

The purpose of the intervention was to ensure that the Licensee was demonstrating compliance with the requirements of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 to ensure the safety of people from the danger of fire.

Interventions carried out by ONR

  • The inspection assessed management arrangements to support fire safety, and sampled the implementation of practical measures to protect life safety within areas of the facility, which do not meet the expectations in codes of practice for fire safety design.
  • I examined a series of documents prior to my arrival on site.
  • I conducted meetings to assess the approach taken to the management of fire safety and examined fire risk assessment documents.
  • During my inspection, I challenged managers and subject matter experts about procedures and approaches to the practical application of maintaining adequate fire safety provision.
  • I undertook a walk-through of the Turbine Hall and the Cooling Water Pump House
  • I questioned personnel to test effectiveness and knowledge of arrangements.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not judged to be Adequate

Not Applicable

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The site demonstrated a good standard in the day-to-day management of fire safety and gave me confidence in the capability to respond pro-actively to the dynamic nature of an operating power station. Those responsible for the management and practical application of fire safety had a good understanding of fire engineering principles to achieve adequate fire safety where the design of the building prevents the use of conventional approaches.

During the walk-down and the meetings held during the day, I identified a number of examples of good practice.  People that I met during my inspection displayed a positive attitude to safety, demonstrating a confident approach to achieving compliance with fire safety legislation.

Immediately following my inspection, I de-briefed senior management of my findings and assessment of compliance, which included areas of good practice.

Conclusion of Intervention

I concluded that the areas inspected are compliant with the legislation, the Site’s fire safety arrangements are effective and implemented to a satisfactory standard and that there are a number of examples of best practice.

I have rated the outcome of this inspection as GREEN.