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Hunterston B - LC11 inspection

  • Site: Hunterston B
  • IR number: 19-105
  • Date: October 2019
  • LC numbers: 11

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This was a planned inspection of EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd.’s (NGL’s) Hunterston B Power Station, undertaken as part of the planned intervention strategy for the Operating Facilities Division (OFD) of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).

The work was carried out in accord with the planned inspection programme contained in the Hunterston B Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) for 2019/20.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

The HNB Nominated Site Inspector, with support from the Security Site Inspector and team carried out an inspection against:

  • Licence conditions (LC) 11 – Emergency arrangements and
  • The Nuclear Industries Security Regulations (NISR) 2003

The intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides) in the areas inspected.

The nominated site inspector also held various other meetings to monitor progress towards close out of regulatory issues raised previously.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate

No system based inspection was undertaken hence, this is not applicable for this intervention.

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

Exercise ‘Culzean’ was a joint safety and security level 1 demonstration exercise.  The exercise scenario was challenging and explored the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) security response and the EDF safety response under lockdown conditions.

The exercise showed that there is opportunity to enhance the operability of the EDF emergency arrangements in conjunction with the CNC response procedures.  In due course, the revised EDF corporate emergency arrangements will require a further demonstration at an EDF site.

Conclusion of Intervention

In conclusion, the inspection against LC 11 and NISR was judged to have successfully identified those areas where work is required to further enhance the corporate emergency and security arrangements on EDF sites.  Therefore a rating of Amber, formal action required, was assigned to the inspection.