- Site: Cyclife
- IR number: 19-137
- Date: November 2019
- LC numbers: 12, 24, 26, 28
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This was one of programme of planned inspections at the Cyclife Metals Recycling Facility during 2019/20, developed in accordance with the Decommissioning Fuel & Waste Sub-Division strategy.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
I inspected Cyclife’s arrangements for compliance with Licence Conditions 12 (duly authorised and other suitably qualified and experienced persons), 24 (operating instructions), 26 (control and supervision) and 28 (examination, inspection, maintenance and testing).
I examined Cyclife’s arrangements for compliance with the relevant Licence Conditions in relation to its activities associated with hot cutting of metallic waste items on the site.
In addition to the inspections identified above, a number of liaison meetings were attended to monitor progress with current activities and maintain awareness of any matters of regulatory interest. These included the following topics:
- Review of recent issues and actions from regulatory inspections; and
- Cyclife’s Periodic Safety Review submission.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not applicable as no safety system was inspected.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
I examined work instructions and found them to be clear, unambiguous and aligned to the safety case. Operations are controlled through effective work planning supported by briefings to operators, under the supervision of suitably qualified and experienced persons. The plant maintenance schedule is derived from the safety case and maintenance activities are implemented in accordance with the requirements. All activities which may affect safety are delivered by suitably qualified and experienced persons. Cyclife demonstrated good progress with the project to improve its ability to demonstrate its personnel, with responsibility for operations which may affect safety, have received suitable training.
I noted areas of good practice and offered advice regarding opportunities for minor improvement to Cyclife’s written arrangements.
I judged that Cyclife’s arrangements for compliance with the Licence Conditions inspected were adequate, and I witnessed suitable evidence to demonstrate that implementation of those arrangements is adequate.
The liaison meetings provided useful updates on matters of regulatory interest and confirmed adequate progress is being made by Cyclife in respect of the matters discussed.
Conclusion of Intervention
There are no findings from this inspection that undermine delivery of nuclear safety on the Cyclife licensed site.